The talking heads at Bloomberg are losing their shit over the possibility of "wage inflation." God forbid the plebs make any gains at all. Of course we know that any wage increases will be outstripped by inflation in food, energy, and housing. Even someone who owns their house free and clear will pay more in insurance and taxes and probably things like sewer, water, and trash service.
"Even if you hold a mortgage and your salary has gone up, inflation can represent a win for you." While that's true I've never seen anyone really come out ahead once all the other increases are considered. The boom/bust and inflation/deflation cycle only seems to benefit those closest to the source of money and power.
I'm pretty sure inflation is the plan. It's not feasible to end things like social security. And considering the goobermint forced everyone to pay in for their entire working life, I'm not on board with the idea that getting back what you've been promised is "selfish." So inflation is the perfect solution to fleece the taxpayers while still shelling out billions to the most corrupt government in Europe and being the largest employer in the world. If the inflation rate is sufficiently manipulated, the COLA can be far below real inflation. Over time someone's monthly SS payment will be enough to pay the electric bill. Problem solved!
You're once again over the target. Don't forget property taxes — that's a huge cost for many homeowners. And if you can get taxed on property you allegedly own, well, is it really yours?
Inflation is absolutely the plan. There is no other plan for now. I do think a CBDC waits in the wings but will only be offered as a lifeline in a time of extreme economic pain. Then it'll be a hook.
Social Security will officially begin to run out of funds in 2034. But it'll be cut long before that. Anyone under 60 banking on SS is in for a nasty surprise. Sad to see it go this way but it's bound to happen. And hey, remember you're "selfish" for wanting things like energy and affordable meat, too. Get back to work, peasant, and enjoy your pease porridge!
The talking heads at Bloomberg are losing their shit over the possibility of "wage inflation." God forbid the plebs make any gains at all. Of course we know that any wage increases will be outstripped by inflation in food, energy, and housing. Even someone who owns their house free and clear will pay more in insurance and taxes and probably things like sewer, water, and trash service.
"Even if you hold a mortgage and your salary has gone up, inflation can represent a win for you." While that's true I've never seen anyone really come out ahead once all the other increases are considered. The boom/bust and inflation/deflation cycle only seems to benefit those closest to the source of money and power.
I'm pretty sure inflation is the plan. It's not feasible to end things like social security. And considering the goobermint forced everyone to pay in for their entire working life, I'm not on board with the idea that getting back what you've been promised is "selfish." So inflation is the perfect solution to fleece the taxpayers while still shelling out billions to the most corrupt government in Europe and being the largest employer in the world. If the inflation rate is sufficiently manipulated, the COLA can be far below real inflation. Over time someone's monthly SS payment will be enough to pay the electric bill. Problem solved!
You're once again over the target. Don't forget property taxes — that's a huge cost for many homeowners. And if you can get taxed on property you allegedly own, well, is it really yours?
Inflation is absolutely the plan. There is no other plan for now. I do think a CBDC waits in the wings but will only be offered as a lifeline in a time of extreme economic pain. Then it'll be a hook.
Social Security will officially begin to run out of funds in 2034. But it'll be cut long before that. Anyone under 60 banking on SS is in for a nasty surprise. Sad to see it go this way but it's bound to happen. And hey, remember you're "selfish" for wanting things like energy and affordable meat, too. Get back to work, peasant, and enjoy your pease porridge!