We took to the streets in millions before the Iraqi war but still the war wasn't stopped. The great anti nuclear war movement of the 1960"s disappeared into nowhere in the 1970"s. It revived a bit during the 1980's but later went into abeyance. We saw in the 1930's that national capital forms blocks and then wages war to resolve problems of market share. We are witnessing the formation of blocks again. This is a first under conditions of nuclear armed blocks that we didn't have in the 30's. But the portrayal of blocks in each others media is still the same. They eat babies for breakfast and are not like us. Hence the march into war. But this time the outcome is likely to be mutually assured destruction from a nuclear holocaust. Can we stop this madness? There is high level of media and narrative control on both sides but we have no choice and must try to stop nuclear destruction or even the use of diluted nuclear weapons as in Fallujah. Or even worse plans such as Aurora which are individually targeted nuclear systems. May God help us


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speaking of Lenin and "Weeks where decades happen," I'm currently [re]-reading "10 Days That Shook the World" (in fact I set it down to read this article, about to read another chapter).

Such a good book.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Sam McCommon

This does eerily feel similar to July 1914. The western powers do seem actively to seek war and various politicians seem almost excited by the prospect. Maybe a big commonality is that we had not had a long, general European war for ninety years in 1914. Today we have not had one for nearly eighty years. People have forgotten what war really is. Just as they had in 1914.

I agree with your comments too about not trusting the CCP but I do not think they seek general war in the absence of US / western goading. Their intention is to become all powerful via economic means. At least in the short term. Russia for her part seeks security, I believe.

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"I never thought I’d agree with the Chinese Foreign Ministry", why not? They've been preaching peace, cooperation, development, aid to all the nations in need, etc., for a long long time. Just follow China's officials and official news channels to see this, it's quite evident, why wouldn't you agree with that? Just look at China's relations —foreign relations— and compare them with US'. It's not for nothing they're the largest economic force in the world.

Yes, we're in a fast spiral towards inevitable total war. We in the Global South have been cheering for Russia and China for a long while now; we all see too clearly who exactly is USA (and it's EU NATO+ pets), its deceptions, lies. USA is the biggest terrorist state, it can't live without making war and ruining everyone else. It's about time, it is its turn.

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It is tempting to believe the end result of the global Ukrainian proxy war will be nuclear war. Instead, it will be the emergence of a multi-polar world order. Ukraine was always a bad bet to gamble US prestige on. That means Biden is an emotional gambler, even doubling down by travelling to Kiev. Bottom line: artillery. Russia is a steamroller with a 10 to 1 advantage in artillery shoots fired. Looks like the West will have to severely reduce artillery shells given to Ukraine due to lack of production by summer. I predict this year Russia will capture all the territory east of the Dnipro river.

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A historical book that claims that Gavrilo Princip was a Serb nationalist ain't worth much.

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