Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023Liked by Sam McCommon

The U.S. continues to mess around in everyone else’s business while we fall apart at home. The country needs to return home and rebuild our own land. Ditch the empire of bases and the covert ops network, and invest in the basics. Infrastructure, education, productive enterprise (as opposed to financial smoke and mirrors). We’re being left behind, more all the time. But the way our political system is bought off by the military contractors, it’s hard to see a redirection toward domestic investment on the order required happening, short of complete collapse of our international position. Which seems the likely scenario.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Sam McCommon

The tweet by David Philipps about how the NYT which worked feverishly to expose the leaker would have worked feverishly to protect him if only he had leaked the documents to them is at https://archive.is/w58Aq

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Spot on. The death of dollar dominance is long overdue, but sadly has no mechanism of action. This article (and the 2nd comment on it) do a great job of explaining why. https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2022/12/dethroning-the-dollar-why-the-alternatives-are-not-ready-for-prime-time.html

And more on the lack of alternative: https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2022/12/dethroning-the-dollar-what-governments-propose-it-disposes.html

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Very Interesting article. Unnecessary reference to transgenderism imo. Right wing is looking for a scapegoat, MSM needs something to write about. It's a culture war issue nobody should hang himself up with, nobody *really* cares about what other people do.

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You have to read and research more on supposed corruption in Brazil, where Lula has been exonerated after being subjected to lawfare of the heaviest kind. Where is the proof? There isn't any.

Dilma Roussef was ousted from power by a judical/congressional coup for something that all governments had done up until that time, and which was put into the statute book officially days after they took power.

So do not believe what the MSM media say. if you believe it, well, that's between you and God, but if you want the truth, you will have a hard time finding it on the BBC, which you cited.

Not a good beginning for the first article I have read on this blog. One has to know what you're talking about if you venture into the public sphere, and I'm afraid, here, you accepted false coinage.

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